QT 4.8 and network SSIDs
Hello All,
Is there some way of using a Qt Library to list all available WIFI SSIDs? I've got a system working using the command line and QProcess, but I'm wondering if there is some cleaner way of doing this. I haven't seen anything in QNetworkConfiguration or QNetworkConfigurationManager. I could be wrong, but I would have thought something like this would already exist.
The idea I'm trying to implement is basically a simple network manager. Select your SSID, type in your passphrase, set the encryption and away you go.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Do you mean something like the QWiFiManager class from the Qt For Device Creation module ?
That's the right idea, but as I said earlier, I need it in qt 4.8. Any other thoughts?
Maybe QNetworkConfigurationManager and friend classes might be of help here.