why Qt4android can not show images has format SVG??
hi,i created my app for android,
when i usesjpg image it is showed in mingw mode and android mode correctly.when i uses SVG image it is not showed in mode android but it is showed correctly in mingw mode!!!
i mention that my app android uses QML and js language
i even testQT += svg
it is same before.how we can show SVG format images in android!!!!!!!
see image my app4android it is not show SVG!!
please guide me -
Did you check that the SVG module and plugin are properly deployed ?
The language used is not the question, it's providing the dependencies.
All the items you use in QML are backed up by C++ code.
Try to delete the deployment folder. When I first compiled my Android application, SVG pictures were missing. So i added the
QT += svg
but it didn't help. But when I deleted the deployment folder and compiled my program again, it started to work. There probably remains something in this directory which is not correctly overwritten.
Usually when you change the list of modules used by your application, it's a good idea to re-run qmake before building.