QTextDocument and Multithreading
Hi all!
I'm currently working on an app that parse specific JSON files and generate rich text from them. The problem is that the JSON files can easily reach 5000+ lines of text, and so, the parsing of the classes takes a considerable time.
To speed up the process I'm trying to use multithreading, but I'm having some difficulties...
First I thought I could use multiple threads to create QTextBlocks containing the text, and then build the QTextDocument using them, but the QTextBlock objects are read only.
I then tried to pre-insert empty QTextBlocks and then edit them in multiple threads, each thread being in charge of a range of blocks, but my application crashes with a lot of "Cannot create children for a parent in a different thread" messages.
Then, I tried to use threads to create the lines already formatted using HTML. It worked, but I had problems with some formatting options in HTML (https://forum.qt.io/topic/64153/qtextcursor-and-css-problem-with-text-indent-property/13), which I can't solve since, apparently, it's a bug in the framework.
So, my question this time is: Is there a way to do multithreading editing of a single QTextDocument object?
Hello again,
So you've obviously discovered the hard way that you shouldn't thread a non-thread safe code. The joke aside I envision the following possible solution for your problem:You parse your JSON in your worker object(s) (I'm assuming the low-level API here) and emit a signal from it on each ready block. The signal should have something like this as a signature:
class DocumentParserWorker : pubic QObject { Q_OBJECT // ... signals: void newBlockReady(QTextBlockFormat format, QTextCharFormat charFormat) public slots: void parseJson(...) { // ... Parse the json and build up the QTextBlockFormat and QTextCharFormat // When there's a new block to be inserted: emit newBlockReady(format, charFormat); } };
So the "builder" would look similarly to this:
class DocumentBuilder : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: DocumentBuilder(QTextDocument * doc) : document(doc) { } public slots: void addBlock(QTextBlockFormat format, QTextCharFormat charFormat) { if (!document) return; // Someone deleted the document in the meantime // So we have everything we need to insert the block QTextCursor cursor(document); cursor.insertBlock(format, charFormat); } private: QPointer<QTextDocument> document; };
You could then connect the signal to your main thread's builder object and insert the block as requested (you can treat other elements similarly):
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QTextEdit textEdit; DocumentBuilder builder(textEdit.document()); QThread workerThread(&app); workerThread.start(); DocumentParserWorker * worker = new DocumentParserWorker; worker->moveToThread(&thread); // Some standard connects for the threading QObject::connect(&workerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater())); QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &workerThread, SLOT(quit())); // Connect your parser to the builder QObjcet::connect(worker, SIGNAL(newBlockReady(QTextBlockFormat, QTextCharFormat)), &builder, SLOT(addBlock(QTextBlockFormat, QTextCharFormat))); // Show the text edit widget textEdit.show(); // Pass some processing to the worker thread (can be done with a signal connected to the parseJson slot, however for this example this seems easier to write) QMetaObject::inokeMethod(worker, "parseJson", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(...), Q_ARG(...)); // Start the event loop return QApplication::exec(); }
Additional note:
You might need to register theQTextBlockFormat
with the meta-type system withqRegisterMetaType<QTextBlockFormat>()
before you could use them across threads. The registration usually occurs inmain()
.Kind regards.
You parse your JSON in your worker object(s) (I'm assuming the low-level API here) and emit a signal from it on each ready block. The signal should have something like this as a signature
I can't really do it the way you suggested because the order of the lines must be preserved. What I tried to do at first was to preallocate a QVector which would contain all the lines, since I know the number of lines before parsing them, and pass the QVector and the index range to the worker thread.
The problem is, QTextBlockFormat and QTextFOrmat only stores the format rules - not actual text. The Class that stores the formatted text block is QTextBlock, but its objects are read-only.
I can't really do it the way you suggested because the order of the lines must be preserved.
How many workers do you have parsing a single JSON file?
How many workers do you have parsing a single JSON file?
the number of threads of the processor.
Then aggregate the block formats and texts in your own class (implicit sharing should work) and add an integer member for the line at which the parsing had started. Emit this object from your threads instead of the formats, and when the whole procedure has finished, only then you insert everything into the document. You could queue your objects in the builder for later processing if they're not the next pending text fragment. Does this make sense?Alternatively build up text fragments label them for their order of occurrence and insert them in the slot building the document.
Kind regards.
That... could actually work!
Gonna try as soon as I get time, and report back
The idea was very good, but It was impratical because I can (and usually do) have different formattings in a same line (for example, in a same line, some text is bold, some not). But it gave me a hint of how to implement it.
I found out that i can convert QTextDocument objects to QTextDocumentFragment objects, and then insert the latter into a new QTextDocument. So, now, In each thread, I create a QTextDocument, fill it with the text and send it to the the builder Thread.
void JsonParser::_workerFinished() { if(workerPool.activeThreadCount()) return; QTextDocument *doc = new QTextDocument(); QTextCursor cursor(doc); while(!logFrags->isEmpty()) { QTextDocument *fragDoc = logFrags->first()->clone(this); QTextDocumentFragment frag(fragDoc); cursor.insertFragment(frag); delete logFrags->takeFirst(); } delete logFrags; emit processingFinished(doc); }
It works, but the line
QTextDocument *fragDoc = logFrags->first()->clone(this);
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. (Parent is QTextDocument(0x810cf2bd70), parent's thread is QThread(0x810ce03ec0), current thread is QThread(0x810923faa0)
I really don't understand why, since the line in question isn't suppose to write anything to the QTextDocument. And whats even more strange: It only happens in the loop's first iteration.
Any hints about what's happening?
*EDIT: My Bad, I just noticed you suggested using text fragments. Thanks!
I really don't understand why, since the line in question isn't suppose to write anything to the QTextDocument.
This usually indicates you have some mismatch between
instances, i.e. you're trying to create an object in one thread that has a parent having affinity for another.QObject
object hierarchies must be living in the same thread, you can't have a parent that's in one thread and then a child in another. That's why you "push" your worker objects into another thread. One more thing to note is that you can "push" aQObject
to another thread, provided he has no parent/children, but you can't "pull" it out of a thread. That's why I was suggesting to either use the formats, text and so on in your aggregated class or use text fragments, because none of those classes derive fromQObject
and can be passed around easily.Kind regards.
you're trying to create an object in one thread that has a parent having affinity for another.
That's exactly what I don't understand. QTextDocument::clone() was supposed to be like a copy constructor: create a new object, read the cloned one's contents and write into the new one. It's supposed to create children for the new object, not the original one.
What you are currently doing is giving a parent to that new QTextDocument, you should rather not give the parent parameter and then move your cloned QTextDocument to your current thread with moveToThread.
you should rather not give the parent parameter and then move your cloned QTextDocument to your current thread with moveToThread.
Should I just ignore the warning, and just move to the current thread, then? It's the clone method that gives the warning (confirmed it in debug).
then this:logFrags->first()->clone(this)
Will parent it to your parser object, which lives in your parser thread. Assuming that vector comes from another thread, then it causes issues.
Something like this, should be working okay:QTextDocument * fragDoc = logFrags->first()->clone(); fragDoc->moveToThread(QThread::currentThread());
Kind regards.
Just tried your code.QTextDocument * fragDoc = logFrags->first()->clone();
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. (Parent is QTextDocument(0x4b9ae26640), parent's thread is QThread(0x4b9acaa630), current thread is QThread(0x4b97a007c0)
Yes, I'm missing on something it seems. Why would you want to clone the objects anyway, can you just push them into the current thread?
QTextDocument * fragDoc = logFrags->first(); fragDoc->moveToThread(QThread::currentThread());
Why would you want to clone the objects anyway, can you just push them into the current thread?
Because I need to push it in the thread that created it... but, well, since the target thread is a singleton, it won't be so ugly.
since the target thread is a singleton
I don't understand this. Do you mean to tell that the
object is a singleton? -
Sorry, I meant that the instance of the class that receives the QTextDocument is a singleton -
You shouldn't have singletons in the first place, much lessQObject
derived singletons.
That being said, you'll have to tell where are the instances in thelogFrags
vector (if it's a vector) created and where theJsonParser
object is residing, and by where I mean in what thread.Additionally my previous comment:
Yes, I'm missing on something it seems. Why would you want to clone the objects anyway, can you just push them into the current thread?
Is absolutely wrong, since I was suggesting you try to "pull" an object from another thread, which is not possible.
Kind regards.