Building qtbase, cross compiling for Banana Pro. c++1z error, configure error, and connection test error.
By the way, the next problem that I have is the error "Server sent invalid f." when I try to test the connection between the Banana Pro and my computer with Debian over IP from the QT IDE. I've checked many topics, but none of these solution work. Moreover - I can't find the qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux in my repository, and I don't know if it's recommended to get raspbian, or other linux repositories just to install this plugin, especially that I don't know if it's that plugin's fault, or the fault of something different...
@monster Then the compiler you use is probably too old and does not support C++11.
You can check the version using g++ --version
Can you access your device using SSH?
It looks like you installed QtCreator from Debian repository, right? You can try to install it using Qt online installer to get the latest one. -
So you suggest that this toolchain uses c++11 standard? Or my compiler use it? I am asking, because I can do the whole process of configuration and compilation for qtbase for raspberry pi, but I can't make this working on Banana pro.I use a new linaro gcc toolchain.
What tools do I need and on which device?
Yes , I can access the device using SSH.
The qt ide on my computer is from online installer, also the whole qtbase for building with modules is downloaded from the newest directories on the qtsite.
I don't have qt ide on my embedded device, I just followed raspberry pi EGLFS guide (you can find it really easy, it's the tutorial made by QT), installed all the stuff that was needed to cross compile (libraries, etc).
One more thing - I additionaly have ia32libs installed on my computer - I wasn't able to build qtbase for embedded linux on arm without it.
You're trying to build with C++11 support. The compiler says it does not know anything about c++11. Which compiler version do you use (I mean the linaro compiler)? Check with PATH_TO_LINARO_G++ --version.
Regarding QtCreator: check under Help/About Plugin... whether the RemoteLinux plug-in is activated. -
and g++ version:
./arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ --version arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ (Linaro GCC 5.1-2015.08) 5.1.1 20150608 Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
And the remotelinux plugin is activated for sure, but I checked it, and as i said it is. It works with raspberry pi.
I tryed on my machine with -std=c++1z - it does not work, but -std=c++11 works (with even older g++)
Ok I see now, that when I configure with toolchain for armbcm from raspbian, it fails, but not because of the compiler ( make goes much further). I will search for another toolchain. I'm curious if the application made by such configured and built qtbase (with previously mentioned armbcm toolchain) will work on Banana.
Now only I have to eliminate the problem with qt ide remote connection
(error "Server sent invalid f"). If anybody knew how, it would be a blessing for me.