Is it possible to have Qt 5.5 Andriod using ALSA backend for sound?
This may sound stupid. Is it possible to have Qt 5.5 Andriod using ALSA backend for sound? I know Qt Android uses openES for sound by default. But I like to reuse low level sound code which uses ALSA. I've compiled Qt5.5 for Android from source. The .configure added -alsa to have ALSA support to be turned on. The build was successful. But I do not know a way to verify whether there is ALSA support. And, I got an error building my android project code says #include <alsa/asoundlib.h> is not found. but this file is actually in /usr/include/alsa/ directory. I've tried to add LIBS += -lasound to .pro file but it doesn't help.
Has anyone tried this before? Is it possible to mix Qt Android with ALSA backend?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You can check the plugin presence by going to your Android built Qt in the plugins subfolder. However I don't know if it will be working on Android.