QtQml qmlRegisterType via .qml file problems
QML and Qt Quick
Is it possible to register qml type directly from qml file by uri, without having a cpp class?
registerQmlType returns 0 from qrc, absolute file path or any uri :
// ... qDebug()<<qmlRegisterType(QUrl("qrc:/file.qml"),"org,noname",0,1,"MyType"); qDebug()<<qmlRegisterType(QUrl::fromLocalFile("file:///absolute/path/to/file.qml"),"org,noname",0,1,"MyType"); qDebug()<<qmlRegisterType(QUrl("http://mydomain/file.qml"),"org,noname",0,1,"MyType"); // ...
p.s.: Qt5.5, archlinux x86_64
From a quick look a the doc, it seems it means the registration is successful since it doesn't return -1, however it seems there's a typo in your uri, you have a comma instead of a dot.