Binary numbers on Raspberry Pi
Can you show what you want to use from the WiringPI library ?
@SGaist said:
Can you show what you want to use from the WiringPI library ?
i want to use the method
int wiringPiSPIDataRW (int channel, unsigned char *data, int len)
where I neet to pass an unsigned char pointer. When I try to set one up like this
unsigned char *data = 0b10000000
I get the warning that conversion from int to unsigned char is not possible.
@vish said:
@Dan90 like this
qFromBigEndian<uint16>((const uchar*)
this will give u uint16 type from ur bytearray buffer.I understand that this funtion gets an unsigned char and converts it to uint16 ? But as I said, I need an unsigned char in the first place.
Then you can use a QByteArray to build your data and then use its data function to access them. You can cast data to unsigned char *
Thanks for the hint with QByteArray. I checked it and the problem I still have ist that the data function of my QByteArray object returns a char*, but the wiringPiSPIDataRW function needs an unsigned char*, so I still get an error out of this.
I just tried an explicit type conversion and it worked. Could this have a negative effect on my data by any means ? -
Do a type cast:
wiringPiSPIDataRW (static_cast<unsigned char *>(, myBateArry.size());