How to decrease the size of module
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You can re-build Qt with all unneeded features disabled that may save you some trouble
What are you needing exactly ?
@SGaist ,decrease the size of gui, qml, core, quick as much as possible. Re-build Qt with all unneeded features disabled is not enough. For example, after I have re-build without unneeder features, the size of module is 2808k. I hope it is less than 2M.
I have the same problem with you, the ipa or apk is too big for my users. And as I know, some developers turned to choose xarmarin because of its smaller package. I hope Qt to provide a tool to reconfigure features and re-build it for smaller size. -
What features did you kept in that module `
@SGaist , I disable these features as following. I don't know what else I can do. Do you have any ideas?
-nomake tests
-nomake examples
-no-feature-TEXTODFWRITER \ -
You can also take a look at qfeatures.txt to see everything you can disable to make Qt smaller.