I get the "no vali kit" error when I run Qt creator as a non-super user
First of all I should mention that I'm using Linux mint 17.1 on my laptop. When I want to create an empty project in Qt creator, I'll get an "No valid kit" error (I don't even know what a kit is). It directs me to options to create a kit. When I go to options I can see that a kit named "Desktop" exist. there is also a compiler set in compiler Tab. But what is missing is a Qt version. So I tried to add it manually but when I browse "/usr/bin", I can't find any "qmake". This is while I can locate "/usr/bin/qmake" using terminal.
I tried to run Qt creator as super user and this time there was a Qt version set named "Qt 4.8.6" and I was able to create a project.
I don't want to run Qt creator as super user each time I use it so can anyone help me with this issue? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How did you install Qt Creator on your machine ?
A Kit is a Qt setup containing a Compiler + Qt version + Debugger + some other stuff if needed.
@SGaist Hi and thanks for your reply.
I installed Qt using Linux mint software manager. I installed qt creator which was described (lightweight ide) and qt-sdk which was described (complete Qt sdk). I don't think I missed anything. -
Looks like a glitch in Mint then.
Just to be sure, you installed everything from the software manager ? -
Yes. It said "complete Qt SDK" so I realize it must contain everything.
Linux mint, being based on Ubuntu also shares the same packages (I use Kubuntu). QtCreator is a separate package and doesn't actually install any of the development packages needed as far as I know (it just recommends them). Do
sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev
, you won't be able to see the kit right away, go toTools -> Options -> Build & Run -> Qt Versions -> Add Kit
which should link to qmake qt5. A list of Qt5 dev packages and their respective modules.