Pop3S with SSL
i start to wright my own pop3s client but i have problems to connect to the server.
has anybody any experience with with topic or maybe a manual???? ;-)
thanx a lot -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since it's a Qt forum, how is it related to Qt ?
sorry. ;-) i wanna do it with QSslSocket and C++:
QSslSocket socket
socket.connectToHostEncrypted(, 995)if (!socket.waitForEncrypted(30000))
qDebug("Not Encrypted!");socket.waitForreadRead(300);
....and i always got "Not Encrypted!".
But with a normal openssl connection (openssl s_client -connect on the bash its no problem to login to the server. i am beginner and don't which further steps are necessary for such an QSslSocket connection.thx.
If I'm right: first connection to pop3 server is not encrypted! You then should get answer from server where should be some words about possible communication protocols: SSl, TLS etc, you should tel the server which you would like to use and after that you should do handshake and so on.... But it is already long time ago I have played with this protocols...
i am still fighting with the POP3 SSL problem, but now i have some little progress and some more infos:
i can connect to the pop3 server with:
socket.connectToHostEncrypted(, 995)than i have following state:
-This system supports OpenSSL.
-ClientStateChanged(): ConnectedState
-ClientModeChanged(): SslClientModethan i have 2 errors:
- ssl error: The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
- ssl error: The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
but when i ignore these errors: socket.ignoreSslErrors(); than i got the encrypted() signal.
(is this ignoring ok, or should i create a own certificate????)when i am waitting for more data from the socket socket.waitForReadyRead(15000) than this function timed out. in the normal way i get this "OK+" from the pop3 server, but here i dont get an answer from the server...
any ideas whats wrong?