QT for device cretion final Release
Hi my dears, I am new at this, first time in UBUNTU and QT development. I am trying the trial license evaluation of QT for device creation, and build a small application to my raspberry PI model B. I manage to boot the application in my raspberry PI through Ethernet, but, when I reboot my raspberry PI, the application is not there. I need to build again to see the application in my raspberry PI. How can I make my raspberry PI automatically boot the application without compilation? Best regards
Do you mean launch your application at startup ?
exactly dear, i want to launch in the boot. Regards
Unless I'm mistaken, you found the solution here, correct ?
a little my dear, i want to launch instantly the application. without qt logo and system logs. (i know that is a small introduction, but i need that don't bee appear). I have an idea that is to find the way to start the HDMI off and when application finally launch turn on HDMI.... have an small idea or way to do? thanks for your reply dear
You'll have to check with the Boot2Qt guys for that
what do you mean dear? you are talking about legal terms? or if is possible to do?
Check with them how you can do it