Qt 5.x Android: Send e-mail with file attached
You could try with "QDesktopServices":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qdesktopservices.html#openUrl however I don't know whether you can attache a file in the body part
Hope it helps
[quote author="SGaist" date="1414616705"]Hi,
You could try with "QDesktopServices":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qdesktopservices.html#openUrl however I don't know whether you can attache a file in the body part
Hope it helps[/quote]
Thank you very much.
QDesktopService does automatically choose the mail programm from the OS and starts it. thats cool.
Like you said, now i have to check if i can attach the file somehow.
Will try it and then report.Thanks
Then you'll have to write some native code to do it
i now try to write native code.
For android i want to call java code which then creates an Intent object to open the email program.I used the code from Notification example and modified it.
Here is my java code:
@public class Mailer extends org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity {
private static Mailer m_instance; public Mailer() { Log.d("Mailer::Mailer", "Constructor"); m_instance = this; } public static void sendMail(String attachmentFilename) { Log.d("Mailer::sendMail", "java-code: sendMail(): 1 file=" + attachmentFilename); Log.d("Mailer::sendMail", "java-code: m_instance=" + m_instance); String f = "file://" + attachmentFilename; Uri uri = Uri.parse(f); try { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("message/rfc822"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "CSV export"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{"abc@gmail.com"}); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); Log.d("Mailer::sendMail", "java-code: sendMail(): 2"); Intent mailer = Intent.createChooser(intent, null); Log.d("Mailer::sendMail", "java-code: sendMail(): 3"); if(mailer == null) { Log.e("Mailer::sendMail", "Couldn't get Mail Intent"); return; } Log.d("Mailer", "java-code: mailer =" + mailer); Log.d("Mailer", "java-code: m_instance=" + m_instance); m_instance.getApplicationContext().startActivity(mailer); } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) { Log.e("Mailer", "catched android.content.ActivityNotFoundException while starting activity"); ex.printStackTrace(); } Log.d("Mailer", "java-code: notify(): END"); }
@And here the C++ code where i call the stuff in java:
QAndroidJniObject javaFilenameStr = QAndroidJniObject::fromString(exportFilename);
qDebug() << "call QAndroidJniObject::callStaticMethod";
"(Ljava/lang/String;)V", javaFilenameStr.object<jstring>());
@The sendMail method gets called, that is fine, but m_instance stays null...
Somehow the constructor gets not called but it should like in the notification example.
I don't know where the static object is created. I thought the static member m_instance creates and then represents the object?
In the Notification example it works, but i don't know why / where the different is in object creation.
Maybe somebody see the problem here?
Nando -
I use QtSms to send e-mail with attached.
It very useful.
My Best Regards
Pier -
[quote author="mr_wallyit" date="1415264131"]Hello,
I use QtSms to send e-mail with attached.
It very useful.
My Best Regards
Pier[/quote]Hi Pier,
thank you for this information.
The problem is that i do not want that the user must enter smtp server data. It is a bit too complicated for a "normal" user.
But i will take a look at it and maybe it will be my backup solution.
Thank you -
I had a some problem, but I have inserted my account google on source code.
In fact with account gmail we can use smtp of google, so user sends the email without problem.If you use Android user has an account gmail, so you can use it.
My Best Regards
Pier -
[quote author="ltr6" date="1415182621"]What does your AndroidManifest.xml look like? I think in the <activity> you have to set android:name="de.myApp.Mailer"[/quote]
You are the man ;-)
Thank you.
That was exactly the problem.
I just added android:name="de.myApp.Mailer" in <activity> of the AndroidManifest.xml
and now the Mailer java object gets instantiated like expected.
To allow another app (some mailing app) to access the file to attach we must make sure the file is not in the sandboxed app environment. I use for file creation:@
QString tempDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation);
@Important: Need to rebuild project
Thank you