Core C++ and widget UI exam curriculum for those who want it.
Core C++ for Qt Developers Exam Curriculum 022-001
This document defines the curriculum for Core C++ for Qt Developers exam. Digia
provides three kinds of Qt certification exams:- Qt Essentials
- Widget UI with Qt
- Core C++ for Qt Developers
If a candidate passes Qt Essentials exam, he or she will receive Digia Certified Qt
Developer status and the corresponding certificate. If he or she additionally passes either
or both of advanced exams (Widget UI with Qt or Core C++ for Qt Developers), the
candidate will receive Digia Certified Qt Specialist status and the corresponding certificate.
If a candidate has already taken two exams and passes the third one, he or she will
receive another specialist certificate, where all three passed exams are listed. It is also
possible to take an advanced exam before the essentials one, but the candidate does not
receive any certificate in this case, until the essentials exam has been passed.
The exams are organized by authorized PearsonVUE test centers. Look at the details of
test center locations in To see the nearest test
center of your location, use Exam Scheduling links at the bottom of the page.
Digia prints the certificates bi-weekly using a print house in Germany. After printing, the
certificates are sent by mail to the exam candidates.
Core C++ for Qt Developers exam will test your C++ knowledge, required to write highquality
Qt programs. The exam includes a set of multi-choice questions and the candidate
must select the correct statement(s).
Types, Declarations and Definitions - Know how to use three storage classes: static, stack, and heap
Know how to use basic types and cast between them - Know which of the ansi typecasts is appropriate’
Understand how to use const and mutable - const_cast, const pointers also volatile
Understand the different scopes that identifiers have - There are 5 scopes: global, file, function, block, and class
Understand how to define functions and use argument
lists - Default arguments overloading
- Understand that overloading is not permitted on return type alone
Understand how to define and use references - Defining and initializing references
- Passing and returning references
Understand how to manage object creation and
destruction - There are 3 memory storage classes: static, stack, and heap
- Understand what storage class an object is in, when it is created and destroyed
Know how to define and use namespaces
Understand how to separate code into header files and
source files- Understand what goes in a header file vs. a source file
- Understand how to break up programs into smaller modules
Classes - Working with Qt requires a certain level of C++ knowledge
- This module covers minimal scope of C++ knowledge, required to start with Qt
Understand member accessibility - The concept of access control
- Splitting declaration and implementation
Know constructors, how they are used and member
Know how to write const methods const-correct classes - Understand how const modifies what a method can do
Understand static methods and static member
initialization - Understand how to initialize static members
- Understand that static methods cannot access non-static members
- Understand why static is only placed in the declaration or the definition, but never both
Understand how objects are copied and assigned - Understand that copy and assignment methods are generated automatically for each
class when they are not provided - Understand how the auto-generated methods work
- Understand when it is appropriate to define your own
- Understand how to prevent copies being made of certain classes
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Know how constructors and destructors are used in
derived classes - Understand how base classes are initialized
- Understand that constructors and destructors are not "inherited" per se, but
some are generated for you, and the base class versions are called
automatically from the generated ones - Understand how copying and assignment works with inheritance also
Understand how to use base class pointers - How base and derived pointers/references can be converted
- Understand how base objects can be created implicity when objects are passed by
Non-public derivation of classes
Know virtual functions, how to define and use them- Understand how virtual changes the behavior of a function call to perform dynamic
binding at runtime - Understand that virtual functions cannot be called from the constructor or destructor
Understand why virtual destructors are needed
Know how to use abstract classes and implement pure
virtual functions
Understand how functions and operators can be
overloaded, overridden and hidden in derived classes - Understand the difference between overloaded, overridden, and hidden methods
- Understand how derived class functions can hide all overloads in the base
- Understand how operators can be overridden in the class or as a global function
Understand issues that come up from multiple
inheritance - Scope resolution and conflicts
- Understand where to use virtual base classes Base Class(es) Initialization
Miscellaneous Topics - Includes more recently added features to the C++ language, such as templates,
exceptions, tr1, etc.
Understand how to use templates and Qt containers - Understand how to define a template function, and a template class
- Understand how to specialize a template definition
- Understand how templates generate code
- Understand how to use Qt containers and algorithms (don't worry about STL)
Understand operator overloading - Understand how to define operators for your types (member function, as well
as global operator functions) - Understand conversion operators, and why they should normally not be used
in favor of supporting toXXX() functions - Should it be a member or global function?
- Understand why some methods need to overload on const-ness
- Know which operators cannot be overloaded
Know the explicit keyword and how conversion
constructors are used - Understand that a single-argument constructor is a conversion constructor
- Understand that explicit disables the automatic conversion using this constructor
- Understand how virtual changes the behavior of a function call to perform dynamic
- Know what the purpose of model/view programming is
- Know how a view communicates with the model
- Know what widgets Qt provides to display model data
- Be able to use Qt's predefined models
- Know how to switch a view's cell from read only to read/write
- Know why a view calls a model several times to render one single cell
- Know how to locate a specific item in a model
- Know how to add a row to a table
- Know how to work with a selection
- Know how the view recognizes the changes that have been made to the model's data
- Know what the purpose of a delegate is and how it can be used
- Be able to sort and filter table data
Multithreaded programming in Qt - Be able to start a new thread with QThread
- Know how to send messages to another thread
- Know what it means for a method or a class to be threadsafe or reentrant
- Know how to use a mutex
- Know how to use a semaphore
- Know what thread affinity of QObject means
- Know when a thread needs an event loop
- Know that you can use the native thread API and QThread in parallel
- Know why queued connections are useful when working with threads
- Know what the purpose of QtConcurrent functions are and how they can be used
Rich text processing - Familiarize yourself with QTextDocument, Qt's class for representing formatted text
- Be able to show formatted text using QTextEdit
- Know how QTextFrame, QTextBlock and QTextFragment can be used to build up the
hierarchy of formatted text - Be able to build, modify and export formatted text (There is a hierarchical read only
interface and a linear cursor interface for writing.)
Manage Qt Projects (Develop / Unit Test / Port /
License)- GPL, LGPL or Commercial: which license should you choose?
- Know how to write and compile a basic unit test
- Know that Qt can be used with other libraries like STL, boost, ACE
- Know how to organize the source tree of a large project
Creating plugins - Know that Qt's functionality can be extended by adding extensions
- Be able to load a dynamic library with QLibrary
- Know how to load an existing plugin
- Know how to write a plugin
Drag/Drop and Clipboard access - Know the relevant event handlers for a drag and drop operation
- Be able to accept data dropped from an external application
- Be able to drag and drop data between two widgets in the same form
- Know how to find out from which widget the dropped data comes
- Be able to drag and drop custom data types
- Know how to enable drag and drop for item views
- Be able to access data stored in the clipboard
- Be able to put data into the clipboard
Custom Widgets - Be able to develop a custom painted widget
- Know how custom painted widgets can be made style aware
- Be able to design custom widgets in different ways: aggregation, subclassing, custom
painting - Subclass QWidget, Subclass QxxxWidget?, Aggregate widgets
Styling widgets - Know how to set a stylesheet
- Be able to specify a selector for a specific widget
- Be able to set different style attributes like text background, padding and border
- Be able to use Qt Designer for stylesheet development
- Be able to set a style with a command line argument
- Know how QStyle must be used in the body of paintEvent() to receive style compliant
widgets - Know what the purpose of QStyleOption is
- Know what the purpose of QPalette is
Making Applications Scriptable - Know that Qt Script is based on ECMA script, a standardized version of JavaScript
- Know that QScriptEngine is the class which is able to load and run Qt Script
- Know that QScriptValue is a variant type accessible from C++ and Qt Script
- Be able to make a value of a custom C++ program accessible to Qt Script
- Know how to call Qt Script functions from C++ and how to pass parameters
- Know how to expose a QObject or a derivative to Qt Script
- Know how to connect a signal to a Qt Script function
- Know how to detect and handle Qt Script errors
- Know how to check for script errors
Writing code for efficient Internationalization - Know how a text constant containing non-Latin characters can be read into a QString
- Know how to wrap strings which need to be translated
- Be able to extract strings to be translated from a Qt project
- Know how to take the encoding of the source file into account
- Know how to use Qt Linguist to translate extracted strings
- Be able to save the translated strings in a qm file
- Know how to find all string constants which are not marked for translation
- Know how to use locale specific icons
Using the Undo Framework - Know the architecture of the Qt undo framework
- Know how to combine commands with compression and macros
Desktop integration - Be able to use the QDesktopWidget
- Know how to put an icon into the system tray
- Know how to open an URL using the default browser
wao more to learn
Thanks for the useful information. Wouldn't it be a good idea to create a wiki page of this?
I have created two wiki pages for the two exams.
"Widgets UI":
Hope the indentation helps. -
tanks it was useful
Great job for wiki pages ....... was really helpful...!