What about the future Qt exam...
I have read here:
that the next exam is in progress:"Future specialized exams may cover topics such as 2D and 3D graphics, networking,
Qt WebKit, processing data, Qt Quick basics as well as advanced use."Does anybody know about this exam's state?
One more question:
can I read somewhere any statistics about how many people passed the exams? -
We have several topics currently under consideration to be the next published exam, but unfortunately cannot give you firm plans on when this might be. Do you have any input on what you think it should be?
Regarding the statistics, at this time we do not openly publish the results of how many people have passed the exam.
Have you already taken any of the Qt Certification exams? If not, are you considering doing so?
Yeah, that's a pitty. I was hoping for new exams to do (or at least, try) at the DevDays. No such luck this year though.
[quote author="Vladimir" date="1323250119"]
...Do you have any input on what you think it should be?...Regarding the statistics, at this time we do not openly publish the results of how many people have passed the exam.
...Have you already taken any of the Qt Certification exams? If not, are you considering doing so?
[/quote]Input: I think, the future exam consists of the above mentioned issues. Some of the chapters are left from the selected bibliography ( http://qt.nokia.com/learning/certification/exams/preparation-prerequisites/qt-curriculum/qt-essentials/materials and http://qt.nokia.com/learning/certification/exams/preparation-prerequisites/qt-curriculum/widget-ui-with-qt/materials ) I hope the next exam will contain these topics with some QML issues.
Statistics: I was only curios :)
Exams: And yes, I have all the three exam passed (Essential, C++ and Widget). Now I'm learning the QML :)