Qt DevNet Web Service API
[quote author="ZapB" date="1304332586"]Marius, I wonder if you could help me with something please?[/quote]
Hey ZapB, I'm back, adding the gravatar info should be doable, I suggest it becomes part of the next version of the API. See "this post":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/5451/P15/#35854 for my motivation.
Nothing new but a few days ago we added the devnet API documentation with examples here:
Marius, I think URL on the wiki should be "/qtapi/1/member/profile" instead of "/api/1/member/profile"?
On a side note, the QWebService lib I am writing (some of you might remember it from qt5-feedback) is now ready for RESTful, JSON web services. I've recently put together an example that users QtDN API. Getting JSON reply is doable with 1 line of code (although I use 3 lines in my example app). Available on "Gitorious":http://gitorious.org/qwebservice and, in the future, maybe as part of Qt5. I'll probably post more info on it in the future, in a separate thread. Sorry for any typos, I'm using my phone for this post.
BTW: Would appreciate any feedback on API, intuitiveness, usability etc., as well as help in coding.