I have fixed this issue by changing small to little variable name in every occurrence in the method below.
Code - ComputeUVMappingProcess.cpp:
// Try to remove UV seams
void RemoveUVSeams (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D* out)
// TODO: just a very rough algorithm. I think it could be done
// much easier, but I don't know how and am currently too tired to
// to think about a better solution.
const static ai_real LOWER_LIMIT = ai_real( 0.1 );
const static ai_real UPPER_LIMIT = ai_real( 0.9 );
const static ai_real LOWER_EPSILON = ai_real( 10e-3 );
const static ai_real UPPER_EPSILON = ai_real( 1.0-10e-3 );
for (unsigned int fidx = 0; fidx < mesh->mNumFaces;++fidx)
const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[fidx];
if (face.mNumIndices < 3) continue; // triangles and polygons only, please
unsigned int little = face.mNumIndices, large = little;
bool zero = false, one = false, round_to_zero = false;
// Check whether this face lies on a UV seam. We can just guess,
// but the assumption that a face with at least one very little
// on the one side and one very large U coord on the other side
// lies on a UV seam should work for most cases.
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < face.mNumIndices;++n)
if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x < LOWER_LIMIT)
little = n;
// If we have a U value very close to 0 we can't
// round the others to 0, too.
if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x <= LOWER_EPSILON)
zero = true;
else round_to_zero = true;
if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x > UPPER_LIMIT)
large = n;
// If we have a U value very close to 1 we can't
// round the others to 1, too.
if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x >= UPPER_EPSILON)
one = true;
if (little != face.mNumIndices && large != face.mNumIndices)
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < face.mNumIndices;++n)
// If the u value is over the upper limit and no other u
// value of that face is 0, round it to 0
if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x > UPPER_LIMIT && !zero)
out[face.mIndices[n]].x = 0.0;
// If the u value is below the lower limit and no other u
// value of that face is 1, round it to 1
else if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x < LOWER_LIMIT && !one)
out[face.mIndices[n]].x = 1.0;
// The face contains both 0 and 1 as UV coords. This can occur
// for faces which have an edge that lies directly on the seam.
// Due to numerical inaccuracies one U coord becomes 0, the
// other 1. But we do still have a third UV coord to determine
// to which side we must round to.
else if (one && zero)
if (round_to_zero && out[face.mIndices[n]].x >= UPPER_EPSILON)
out[face.mIndices[n]].x = 0.0;
else if (!round_to_zero && out[face.mIndices[n]].x <= LOWER_EPSILON)
out[face.mIndices[n]].x = 1.0;
Now, it successfully compiles Qt 6.0.1 statically.