I solved the chrome error by only copying the text to the clipboard. It seems that
try to copy images also to the clipboard and this still is not supported on some browsers.
so I made my own class for text-only copy to clipboard
class TextClipboard :public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString text MEMBER m_text NOTIFY textChanged) QML_ELEMENT public: TextClipboard(QObject *parent = nullptr):QObject(parent),m_text(QString()),clipboard(QGuiApplication::clipboard()) { } Q_INVOKABLE void copy()const { clipboard->setText(m_text); } signals: void textChanged(); public: QString m_text; QClipboard *clipboard; };In the qml file where the text has to be copied on click on a Image I set
TextClipboard { id:tclip text:root.address } Image { id:img anchors.centerIn:parent sourceSize.width: root.width-10 source: "image://qrcodeblack/"+root.address MouseArea { anchors.fill: img onClicked: { tclip.copy(); } } }And this solves the error