Why do not you check the build instructions available at "Qtwebkit wiki":http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKit ? There are articles how to build it for Windows, Linux, Sybmian and OSX. If it is possible to build it with CURL instead of QtNetwork it will be described at the project wiki.
msvcr90d.dll!_nh_malloc_dbg_impl(unsigned int nSize=112, int nhFlag=0, int nBlockUse=90580224, const char * szFileName=0x00000000, int nLine=0, int * errno_tmp=0x05662500) 行239 + 0x19 字节 C++
msvcr90d.dll!_nh_malloc_dbg(unsigned int nSize=33292288, int nhFlag=1, int nBlockUse=90580224, const char * szFileName=0x00000000, int nLine=4096) 行296 + 0x1d 字节 C++
The only reason I'm hesitant to agree with that, is that the initial request doesn't seem to be affected by that limitation. Also, each initial request is made with its own instance of the QNetworkAccessManager class.
I also followed the quick and dirty instructions described in "Increasing the maximum number of connections per host of QtWebKit":http://www.techques.com/question/1-4879919/Increasing-the-maximum-number-of-connections-per-host-of-QtWebKit which didn't result in any noticeable improvement.
Smells like a returned mime type issue (just a guess :-).
Note that you can overload webkit network access manager to check exactly what is requested / given back to webkit or you can sniff your communication (wireshark) to check the difference between firefox / your app. Maybe your script does check user agent ?
Oh, I see. I was not aware python could not do that.
I guess a solution would be to load the page separately and use QWebFrame::setHtml() but that could get messy with the history, referer, etc.
but it makes the whole complex more complex, requires more memory and QObject event does not have a finished signal. So he needs to implement some object with that signal.
Then it would be easier to make a queued call to one self:
"QMetaObject::invokeMethod": http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qmetaobject.html#invokeMethod with some parameters for queued function call or use an internal own slot with queued connection (which a single shot timer also does).
well, the problem doesn't really concern qtwebkit but qt network module.
U can check "qt corresponded bug":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-14983 for more informations