HiDPI non-integer scaling issues
General and Desktop
I'm seeing same issue as described in this bug from over a year ago: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-16293
Basically on my Windows 10 displayed on 27" 4K monitor, the recommended scaling is 150%. When I run Qt 5.12 Qtwidget app using the Auto-scale environment flag its shown with a 200% scaling, when I change windows scaling to 125% then Qt app is displayed with 100% scaling.
Is there a workaround/fix for this? It's been a year so I'm hoping someone figured out a way around this limitation. Btw, I'm at the initial phase of designing UI so open to any technique that will result int correct scaling.
The correct ticket is QTBUG-53022. As you can see, it's being worked on