Qt Scene graph not using the OpenGL for rendering in Raspberry Pi 3B+
I was trying to analyze the performance of Qt Quick applications in Raspberry Pi 3B+. To understand the renderer the Qt scenegraph is using by setting the QSG_INFO =1. It was logging the following statement when the application starts:
qt.scenegraph.general: Loading backend software
Does it mean the Qt scene graph is not using the open gl render? If it is not using open gl rendering, how can I try to enable the open gl rendering in Raspberry pi 3B+. I have enabled the GL driver in Raspberry Pi 3B+ using the GL driver option in the raspi-config option.
I have then tried including the QQuickWindow::setSceneGraphBackend(QSGRendererInterface::OpenGL); in main function. But the debug statement remained same.I am not able to add the Qt Graphical effects and particle system in the application.(They are not at least visible in the application)
You need to use the EGLFS plugin, it has best performance on RPi. To do that, you'll probably need to compile Qt yourself. Guides: