Error: Binding loop detected for property "width" .
QML and Qt Quick
Initially it is running fine but when i expand window ,this error is getting generated which is given as question
Complete Code is given belowimport QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.3 import QtCharts 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 // Completed Rectangle { id:top visible: true width: 400 height: 600 color: "black" property double x_variable_chrt_1: 0 property double y_variable_chrt_1: 0 // ChartView 1 ChartView { id:chrt height: top.height/3 width: top.width+18.5 x:-9.2 antialiasing: true legend.visible: false backgroundRoundness: 0 1 margins.bottom: 1 margins.left: 1 margins.right: 1 backgroundColor: "black" ValueAxis { id:x_axis min: 0 max: 50 tickCount: 6 visible: false } ValueAxis { id:y_axis min: 0 max: 5 tickCount: 6 visible: false } ValueAxis { id:y_axis_right min: 0 max: 5 tickCount: 6 visible: false } LineSeries { id:l1 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" width: 3.5 XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } } LineSeries { id:l2 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" width: 2 XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+10; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+10; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+20; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+20; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+30; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+30; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+40; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+40; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } } LineSeries { id:l3 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+3.34 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+3.34 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+1.67 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+1.67 } style: Qt.DotLine } } // ChartView 2 ChartView { id:chrt2 height: top.height/3 width: top.width+18.5 x:-9.2 antialiasing: true chrt.bottom legend.visible: false backgroundRoundness: 0 15 margins.bottom: 1 margins.left: 1 margins.right: 1 backgroundColor: "black" ValueAxis { id:x_axis_2 min: 0 max: 50 tickCount: 6 visible: false } ValueAxis { id:y_axis_2 min: 0 max: 5 tickCount: 6 visible: false } ValueAxis { id:y_axis_right_2 min: 0 max: 5 tickCount: 6 visible: false } LineSeries { id:l1_2 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" width: 3.5 XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } } LineSeries { id:l2_2 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" width: 2 XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+10; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+10; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+20; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+20; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+30; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+30; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+40; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+40; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } } LineSeries { id:l3_2 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+3.34 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+3.34 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+1.67 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+1.67 } style: Qt.DotLine } } // ChartView 3 ChartView { id:chrt3 height: top.height/3 width: top.width+18.5 chrt2.bottom x:-9.2 antialiasing: true legend.visible: false backgroundRoundness: 0 15 margins.bottom: 1 margins.left: 1 margins.right: 1 backgroundColor: "black" ValueAxis { id:x_axis_3 min: 0 max: 50 tickCount: 6 visible: false } ValueAxis { id:y_axis_3 min: 0 max: 5 tickCount: 6 visible: false } ValueAxis { id:y_axis_right_3 min: 0 max: 5 tickCount: 6 visible: false } LineSeries { id:l1_3 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" width: 3.5 XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } } LineSeries { id:l2_3 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" width: 2 XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+10; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+10; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+20; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+20; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+30; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+30; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+40; y: y_variable_chrt_1+0 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+40; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+5 } } LineSeries { id:l3_3 axisX: x_axis axisY: y_axis color: "#969FB2" XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+3.34 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+3.34 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+0; y: y_variable_chrt_1+1.67 } XYPoint { x: x_variable_chrt_1+50; y: y_variable_chrt_1+1.67 } style: Qt.DotLine } } }
Any idea why this error ?
@dheerendra @LeLev @Nikhilesh-N @J-Hilk Anything wrong i have done here ?
Hi @Bhushan_Sure
sadly I can't test your example, as soon as a add the 2nd Chartview, the application crashes. Works fine with 1, but not with 2 or more. -
you can use layouts to get rid of Binding loop
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtCharts 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 Component{ id:c ChartView { antialiasing: true ValueAxis { id: axisX min: 0 max: 10 } ValueAxis { id: axisY min: 0 max: 1 } LineSeries{ id:vals axisX: axisX axisY: axisY visible: true width:3 capStyle: Qt.DashDotDotLine } } } ColumnLayout{ anchors.fill: parent Loader{ sourceComponent: c Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height/3 Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width } Loader{ sourceComponent: c Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height/3 Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width } Loader{ sourceComponent: c Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height/3 Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width } } }
@LeLev Ok I will try this code to run
@dheerendra @LeLev @J-Hilk
Hi i solved the issued
Thank you so much for your Valuable inputs.Given code is :-
import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.3 Window { visible: true width: 400 height: 600 title: qsTr("Hello World") Loader { id:l1 source: "Graph_1.qml" height: parent.height/3 width: parent.width } Loader { id:l2 source: "Graph_2.qml" height: parent.height/3 width: parent.width l1.bottom } Loader { id:l3 source: "Graph_3.qml" height: parent.height/3 width: parent.width l2.bottom } }
And Here Graph_1,Graph_2,Graph_3 are invidual graphs that i have to show.
that is 3 chartview.