Wizard fails to generate code
Hi all, very basic question here.
I am trying to follow the tutorial about making a Notepad app at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-tutorials-notepad-example.html.
I try to follow the steps exactly, but when I get to the Notepad Header File section, the Wizard has not created any of the code I expect. My application also doesn't have any of the buttons shown in the tutorial when I run it.
I'm using QT Creator 4.8.0. Can anyone guess what I've done wrong?
Thank you!
@efjellanger Hi and welcome? Did you install Qt? Are there any errors when you create your project? What is generated?
Yes, I have QT version 5.11.0 (which is the version used by a different project I am working on). The tutorial builds and runs just fine, but when it runs I get a window that looks very blank compared to what the tutorial shows. No File or Edit menu, no buttons below it. Just a text box.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you create the GUI with Designer ?
@SGaist Yes, as I said, I followed these instructions:
What code are you expecting to be generated ?
So right here it says "The wizard generated a header file for the Notepad class that has the necessary #includes, a constructor, a destructor, and the Ui object. The file looks as follows:"But the wizard didn't generate anything, my header file doesn't look as follows, it has almost nothing in it.
The buttons and menus are first added in section
"Adding User Interaction"
So first after than your .h file will have
private slots:
void newDocument();
void open();
void save();
void saveAs();
void print();
void exit();
and the other elements.