How to pass an Android class back to C++
I have managed to get callbacks to C++ with this help
This is using a simple int therefore it is not very challenging.With some java lines I am even able to pass back an object array. The object array is generated from a java callback object. However, when getting a java callback object what do I have to do in order to put into a callback to C++ and access it under C++?
@koahnig said in How to pass an Android class back to C++:
what do I have to do in order to put into a callback to C++ and access it under C++?
what exactly do you mean with "put into a callback to C++"?
If i understood you correct, you want to pass a JAVA object to C++ an call a method on it, right?
// JNI signature: "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V" - also could be "(Lmy/custom/Class;)V" void fibonaciResult(JNIEnv */*env*/, jobject /*obj*/, jobject param) { QAndroidJniObject callbackObj( param ); callbackObj.callMethod( ... ); }
hi @koahnig
may be this two post will be helpful....
1st post is for calling a java function from cpp (Cpp to java)
2nd is for broadcasting (observer pattern).(java to cpp)
Thanks guys. I guess the problem sits between keyboard and chair. :(
It is the lack of enough understanding of java and the interface to cpp.I have managed to get within java callbacks of location module. The callback can be read for basic pieces int, long, double and stuff. I am able to read and send those through a callback to C++, where I am more comfortable with. I am also able to create an array of objects in java and pass this C++.
I am digging deeper with the information you provided. Thanks for the leads.
The callMethod is working. I missed the forest for the trees.
There is one remaining issue for a byte array.
This is the Android description:
That is my implementation where the compiler is complaining
jbyteArray byteArray = nObject.callMethod<jbyteArray>("getData", "()[B"); error: undefined reference to '_jbyteArray* QAndroidJniObject::callMethod<_jbyteArray*>(char const*, char const*, ...) const'
try:QAndroidJniObject arrObj = nObject.callObjectMethod<jbyteArray>("getData", "()[B"); jbyteArray arr = arrObj.object<jbyteArray>()
(jbyteArray is of type jarray, which is of type jobject)