Tensorflow configuration in Qt creator
How can i configure tensorflow in Qt creator.
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It is with GTX card...currently i have image processing alg in Tensorflow and UI is un Qt....Have to add Tensorflow alg in Qt project in Qt creator and build..
There's an interesting blog article about creating a Qt application using OpenCV and TensorFlow. Note that it uses cmake.
Thank you :)
Hi, I have worked in a project integrating Tensorflow with Qt for Linux, iOS and Android. This is a post about how to do this with an example app, https://mechatronicsblog.com/machine-learning-on-desktop-ios-and-android-with-tensorflow-qt-and-v-play/
Tensorflow was compiled with make for each platform. If you are targetting any of those platform, you can have a look at the qmake project file, shown in the post, to see how to link to Tensorflow.