CPU usage increase when moving the mouse on an embedded
Hello I working on an qt application running over an embedded system using a linux kernel 4.4.49 and ARM v7l ... . I'm facing a problem with my mouse events, when my application starts the cpu consumption is normal, but once I move the mouse the cpu increase to 99% and a notable lag in the mouse cursor, keyboard starts and in general in the app. I was managing the event using eventFilter, so I commented all this code to see if the issue came from here, but I realized that it still, so It is pretty obvious that the bug came from how the qt is managing the mouse internally. Actually I notice that if I unplug the mouse, the cpu usage goes down. If not it kept on 99%. Does anybody can help me with this? I will really appreciate it. Regards
Not sure how big is your application. We are also using in the embedded box. Not seen this kind of issue.
Now, can you just prepare simple blank widget with mouse handling ? Just print debug message inside the mouse handling functions. Just see how it goes. This must be first step to identify the culprit.