replace widget
Difficult to answer with this question. Please provide some sample to look at what you would like to achieve. Based on this we can help you.
@dheerendra Thank you for your reply sir,
i created the two class with name with window1,window2, In window1 class i will take two widgets one push button and one is empty widget in horizontal layout and in window2 class i will take one listarea, and now when i click on the window1 class push button window2 class widget should replace with window2 listarea -
megha @jsulm & @J-Hilk have already said & it is possible. For this you need read how signal & slots work. Also you need to look which objects you can create. Since you are asking we are all telling you that you can do it. Question is what shall we provide you ? Are you asking for example source code ? If this the case, please provide this sample code. Group will you to solve the issue.
@megha Do you mean window or widget? As a window cannot be part of another window.
If you mean widget then take a look at