How to use Qt Virtualkeyboard in my QML program?
Is there is any tutorial or step by step method! I am using Qt5.10 on Linux, and I need the keyboard for raspberry application!
Till this moment I coudn't find a helpful tips, I had to create my own keypad to let the user add numbers as temporary solution,
but still I hope if any one can help !
may be a stupid question, but did you look at the docs yet?!
Also you should tell what you've done so far or what happens in your application. Otherwise i can only tell what you could also look up in the docs. -
Yes @raven-worx I went through this document several times, but it is pretty tough to apply for me as a beginner,
What I could do from the doc; I was able just to run the built in Qt example!
What I need to do: I need a numeric Keypad pops up when the user try to enter text!
But I understand I need to build the Keyboard in my application, I can see the Build Instructions , but I don't know where to write it and so on!
k here is a quick overview:- no need to compile anything (unless you know why). The QtVirtualKeyboard module can be downloaded from the installer
- add
qputenv("QT_IM_MODULE", QByteArray("qtvirtualkeyboard"));
at the very beginning of your main() - Place a InputPanel QML element where you want the keyboard to appear
- In QML use a TextField, TextInput, etc. element and set it's
property toQt.ImhDigitsOnly
Woow this is so easy, Once I added line 2 in the very beginning of main, I can see the Keyboard, but the weird thing is it launched in my program on start up-without calling it-, and transparent as you see in the picture below;
I see I should add
disable-desktop|android-embedded|!isEmpty(CROSS_COMPILE)|qnx { DEFINES += MAIN_QML=\\\"basic-b2qt.qml\\\" } else { DEFINES += MAIN_QML=\\\"Basic.qml\\\" }
in my .pro file! should it be at the end of page! is it matter here! I need it for raspberry, should I delete (disable-desktop) or keep it!
@raven-worx , finally I get it, I forget to do step 3
@MAthias_Va if your issue is solved, please mark your post as such! Thanks.