compilation error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2732 linkage specification contradicts earlier specification for '__uncaught_exception'during compilation i face this error how to resolve this
To cryptic description to help you. Do you get this error from Qt Creator project ? Which platform, compiler ?
@Rameshguru Did you try to delete build directory and rebuild afterwards?
@dheerendra sir
i use qt 5.8
qt creator 4.1.0
visual studio 2015 -
Are you able to build simple project & run ? If yes as jslum mentioned did you try to clean the build directory and try build again.
@dheerendra sir i create a new build folder and build code but i face same error
I'm not asking you to create the new build folder. I'm assuming that you are working with QtCreator. Can you create the new widget based project and check project build and runs.
i have create and build visual studio project , so i got a error like this
visual studio error occurs Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression StateError C2732 linkage specification contradicts earlier specification for '__uncaught_exception.