QmlRegisterType with shared library inside subdirs
QML and Qt Quick
I'm using Qt 5.11 and I'm creating a project composed by two subprojects:- SysInfo, a singleton shared library with its implementation, SysInfoLinuxImpl.
- Performance, a QML application.
Basically, I want that SysInfoLinuxImpl Q_PROPERTIES to be visible in QML subProject.
For this purpose, I tried to register SysinfoLinuxImpl with qmlRegisterType, but main.cpp doesn't recognize #include "SysInfoLinuxImpl.h" since it's contained in a different subdirs (the shared library) respect main.cpp (the QML application).
Could you help me? Thank you in advance.
Below some code.TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += \ SysInfo \ Performance unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/SysInfo/ -lSysInfo INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/SysInfo DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/SysInfo Performance.depends = SysInfo
Sysinfo.h code
#include "sysinfo_global.h" #include <QObject> class SYSINFOSHARED_EXPORT SysInfo { public: static SysInfo& instance(); virtual ~SysInfo(); virtual void init() = 0; virtual double cpuLoadAverage() = 0; virtual double memoryUsed() = 0; protected: explicit SysInfo(); private: SysInfo(const SysInfo& rhs); SysInfo& operator= (const SysInfo& rhs); };
#ifndef SYSINFOLINUXIMPL_H #define SYSINFOLINUXIMPL_H #include <QtGlobal> #include <QVector> #include <QFile> #include <QIODevice> #include <QTimer> #include <QThread> #include "sysinfo.h" #include "sysinfo_global.h" #include "sysinfolinuxworker.h" #include <QObject> class SYSINFOSHARED_EXPORT SysInfoLinuxImpl : public QObject, public SysInfo { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(double mCpuLoadAverage READ cpuLoadAverage) Q_PROPERTY(double mMemoryUsed READ memoryUsed) public: SysInfoLinuxImpl(); void init() override; double cpuLoadAverage() override; double memoryUsed() override; // Calculation are done on a separate thread and get by these slots public slots: void memoryCalculationDone(double percent) {mMemoryUsed = percent;} void cpuCalculationDone(double percent) {mCpuLoadAverage = percent;} private: QVector<qulonglong> cpuRawData(); public: QVector<qulonglong> mCpuLoadLastValues; double mCpuLoadAverage; double mMemoryUsed; private: QTimer mTimer; QThread mThread; }; #endif // SYSINFOLINUXIMPL_H
When having sub-projects with libraries. What I usually do is to create one .pri file per library that contains the
statement necessary to use it and include that .pri file where needed in the other sub-projects. -