How to install and setup QT 4.8.5.
HI All;
this might seem a very stupid question, but I really van't find any real and complete tutorial about it.I am trying to compile from source DReaM (;
Back in 2013, when the last Win version was compiled, Qt 4.8.5 and others where used, as per the image above;
I managed to download and install Qt 4.8.5, MinGW version 4.4.0, the w32 api 3.13, and then Qt Creator 3.0.1;
I do not know if there is a specific order to follow, when installing the above components;
Then when I run the Qt command prompt (Build debug libraries) it throws an error ('mingw32-make' is not recognized as an internal or external command ..... ).
Finally, when I load the '' into Qt Creator, and I try to configure it, Qt Creator complains about kit Desktop being invalid.
I do have some (very old) programming background with DB3 and 4, but never touched something like this.
So, the questions are:
how do I correctly install and setup the Qt environment needed to compile DREaM form sources;
how do get past the invalid Desktop kit error?Thank you, Regards, Stefano.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You can use the online installer. It provides Qt 4.8.7.
The invalid kit is likely because you don't have installed the MinGW version provided through the installer.
Hi SGaist,
thank you for welcoming me and for your suggestions;
Yes, in the mean time I understood why I get the "invalid kit" error";
So, I am uninstalling/ deleting everything and restarting form scratch;
I will follow the following order;
- install MinGW 4.4.0;
- add "c:\MinGW" in the system path (I am using W7);
- install Qt 4.8.5 using the installer "qt-win-opensource-4.8.5-mingw.exe";
- install Qt Creator 3.0.1
./... and let's see what happens.
Thank you, Stefano.
The Qt installer provides the MinGW version used to build the binary package. Use that one, that will simplify your life.