Change Not been reflected
I have an application in which i will have a menu button and if i press that button i will show a dialog window and perform some operation . and based on the operation i will disable or enable the menu items . But once i close the dialog the menu is not disabled or enabled based on the operation . I will have a gloable variable which i will update from the Dialog based on the operation and i checked whether the the variable is getting updated or not . It is getting updated and based on the global variable i will change the menu items to disabled or enabled in mainwindow but it was not reflecting.
Not Working Sequence : Dialog dd;; dd.exec(); Working Sequence : Dialog dd;; dd.exec(); Data();
Note : Data() is the function in which i will disable or enable the menu item .
Why it works like this ?
Looked at your description. Too difficult to think/assume what is happening. Can give simple sample to show what you are doing ?
Please note exec() is enough. You don't have to use show and exec together.
MainWindow s; int S;
This is my MainWindow Code:
void MainWindow :: Data() { if(S == 1) { ui->actionData->setDisabled(true); ui->actionMurali->setDisabled(true); ui->actionPatterns->setDisabled(true); } else { ui->actionData->setEnabled(true); ui->actionMurali->setEnabled(true); ui->actionPatterns->setEnabled(true); } } void MainWindow::on_actionDialog_triggered() { Dialog dd;; dd.exec(); }
This is my code for the dialog
void Dialog::on_pushButton_clicked() { this->close(); S = 1; s.Data(); } void Dialog::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { this->close(); S = 2; s.Data(); }
I don't get it. You state:Data()
is the function in which i will disable or enable the menu item .You call
in your "Working Sequence", you do not call it in your "Not Working Sequence".So based on your description what do you expect?
Y are you trying control enable and disable through S variable. This indicates it is always calling with S=2 for some reason we don't know. Did you check which if condition is it entering (S=1 or S=2) You can split data() as two different functions like enableMenu() and disableMenu(). Call these functions appropriately. As everybody already said, it is best avoid global variable like and make object-to-object communication.
Are you able to check solution provided. Is this issue resolved ?
I tried by creating two functions and calling them to disable or enable based on the button pressed at the dialog window, but its not working . But once if i call the function after the exec of the dialog its working.Dialog dd; dd.exec(); DataDisable();