QQmlListProperty, ListView and delegate
Hello everybody
I make a QQmlListProperty<MagicSquare> and I would like to display the attribut 'label' from my class MagicSquare but it does not work. I think that my problem come from QML and not of Qt, so I do not show my code source execept if you need it.
I have in my source code (magicSquareModel.h) :
Q_PROPERTY ( QQmlListProperty<MagicSquare> magicSquareList READ getMagicSquareList NOTIFY magicSquareListChanged )We can acces to QQmlList thanks to : qmlContext->setContextProperty ( "magicSquareModel", m_magicSquareModel );
So this is my code in Qml :
width: parent.width height: parent.height model: magicSquareModel.magicSquareList clip: true delegate: SimulationMagicSquare{ width: parent.width * 0.75 height: virtualModeGraphicIdentity.buttonHeight anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } title: model.label }
my terminal returns : Unable to assign [undefined] to QString where there is title: model.label (title is just a Text{} )
have you got an idea of the problem ?Thanks.
magicSquareModel.magicSquareList is not a model. It is just a list property.
@cosmoff said in QQmlListProperty, ListView and delegate:
Thanks for you answer.
But how can I see my attribut from my magicSquareList in the qml ?
inside your delegate, you cann access the underlying data via
delegate: SimulationMagicSquare{ width: parent.width * 0.75 height: virtualModeGraphicIdentity.buttonHeight anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } title: modelData.label //here }
it does not work,
the code is :
ListView{ id:virtualModeList width: parent.width height: parent.height model: virtualModeModel.virtualModeList clip: true delegate: SimulationButton{ width: parent.width * 0.75 height: virtualModeGraphicIdentity.buttonHeight anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } title: modelData.label } }
the terminal returns : Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
What is the data you are trying to expose ? Is it that you have to do QQMLPropertyList ?
I make a :
QQmlListProperty<MagicSquare> MagicSquareModel::getMagicSquareList()
return QQmlListProperty<MagicSquare>(this, &m_MagicSquareList,
}in my class MagicSquare I have an attribut which is QString label and i want to display on the qml
@cosmoff said in QQmlListProperty, ListView and delegate:
in my class MagicSquare I have an attribut which is QString label and i want to display on the qml
that has to be a Q_PROPERTY or a function that you made available to QML via Q_INVOKABLE