INTMAX_MAX undefined?
Windows 10 QTCreator 4.7.1 QT SDK 5.11.1 VS 2017
QtMenus includes QWidget
which includes QObject
which, on windows, includes <chrono>
which chokes saying:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\include\ratio(73): error C2065: 'INTMAX_MAX': undeclared identifier
@VRonin made the correct suggestion, to define this:
The other problem was that i had defined "round()" as a macro somewhere else
Thanks everyone!
@davecotter said in INTMAX_MAX undefined?:
This MSDN thread might be of interest.
Hope it helps
yes i saw that. in stdint.h, if you're in a C++ file, it auto-defines "__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS" (although i DID attempt to just manually define it, to no avail).
in any case, the problem is, that this IS a C++ file, so stdint.h hits these lines:# ifdef __cplusplus this stuff happens there is NO DEFINITION for INTMAX_MAX #else this stuff DOES NOT HAPPEN #define INTMAX_MAX whatever it's supposed to be #endif
found a possible problem. stdint.h seems to be being included from here:
while i'm TRYING to use the one i've defined here:
I think they are conflicting? Why are "clang" headers being used on windows? i thought it would stick to the MSVC stuff?
when i remove the clang one, i still get the errors :(
i hacked around it by just defining it myself, but the further errors are like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\include\chrono(569): warning C4002: too many arguments for function-like macro invocation 'round'
is this about the compiler? i've been stumped for days on this
the file "chrono" (which is part of MSVC) is calling it. below on the line that starts "_NODISCARD"
template<class _To, class _Rep, class _Period, class = enable_if_t<_Is_duration_v<_To> && !treat_as_floating_point_v<typename _To::rep>>> _NODISCARD constexpr _To round(const duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Dur) { // convert duration to another duration, round to nearest, ties to even const _To _Floored{chrono::floor<_To>(_Dur)}; const _To _Ceiled{_Floored + _To{1}}; const auto _Floor_adjustment = _Dur - _Floored; const auto _Ceil_adjustment = _Ceiled - _Dur; if (_Floor_adjustment < _Ceil_adjustment || (_Floor_adjustment == _Ceil_adjustment && _Is_even(_Floored.count()))) { return (_Floored); } return (_Ceiled); }
i will PAY someone $100 per hour to help me fix this (assuming it gets fixed, ie: $0 if it doesn't get fixed). minimum pay $100 even if it takes you 5 minutes to fix. assuming we'll get on the fone and do screen sharing.
[I'm not interested in a fee]
Can you provide a minimum example to reproduce the problem?Did you try adding the
definition as suggested above?
In Qt Creator you can addDEFINES += __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
to your pro file and re-run qmake -
no, this is a monolithic application with a required dependency on CFLite (apple's CoreFoundation). it worked before upgrading Qt to the latest. best is to do a screen share so you can just poke directly at the project
yes i did that with the define thing, to no avail. the latest stdint auto-defines that when including from a C++ file anyway.
@davecotter said in INTMAX_MAX undefined?:
it worked before upgrading Qt to the latest
From what version were you upgrading from? chrono was added in Qt 5.9
What update version of MSVC 2017 are you using?
worked in 5.9.1 and in 5.10.0. now on 5.11.1 which fails
can you also show the code that triggers that error ?
scroll up to my previous reply which starts: <<the file "chrono">>
Can you trigger it with a minimal application ?
no, this is a monolithic application with a required dependency on CFLite
It was not completely clear whether including std::chrono's was enough to trigger that or if you had some specific part of your code using it that would be.
We understood that you have a monolithic application. The question is; can you start from one of Qt's default project and use std's chrono in there to check whether it's working at all. If it is, then add CFLite, etc.
As for why Clang on Windows, Clang is used for the code model.
i've updated to the latest MSDEV 2017 (community) and the latest Qt SDK (5.11.2), doesn't help.
QMenu.h ends up including chrono, so, yes, default Qt apps (that have menus) definitely work with chrono / ratio (the file <ratio> is where the problem is revealed). Adding CFLite is actually a lot of work. :( I realize it's a fair test to ask for, but i'm hoping to avoid taking the time to make that test? i'm trying more things first...
minimal project posted here
note this assumes you have python 2.7 installed. you can get the installer here.
after you download the zip file above, and expand, go here:
open thatconfigure as seen in the screen shots below. the full line for cftest run exec is this: