Qt BLE writeDescriptor error
Mobile and Embedded
I upgraded from Qt 5.10.1 to 5.11.2, and my code is not working, on new environment.
I connected to a BLE device, discovery services, and I would like to written the ClientCharacteristicConfiguration descriptor(0100, subscribe), and first try the device is going to ClosingState, and disconnecting. The second try, I have a DescriptorWriteError with Already notifying message.
I downgraded the environment, and i have same errors.Thank you for reply.
Ok, I have a mistake, in descriptorwitten signal I checked it new value, and if it is 0000, I disconnect from device.
But I checked the 1 index byte (the second), not the 0 index byte (first), and the second is always zero.
This is my byte order mistake.