QSerialPort Library for Qt creator 4.8 on Debian 9
@Digvijay said in QSerialPort Library for Qt creator 4.8 on Debian 9:
But it was not working
It is impossible. Please read that link more closely.
@Digvijay said in QSerialPort Library for Qt creator 4.8 on Debian 9:
@SGaist I also do not want to use Qt 4.8. But my linux is 32 bit so i can not install Qt 5.8 which requires 64 bit linux.
No it doesn't, it's just that the pre-built package is not provided any more for 32 bit.
Debian stable comes with 5.7 for all its support architectures which includes 32bit. If you need a more recent version of Qt, you can build it.
@kuzulis I again tried installing but it is not working. I have attached the terminal output.
epcnc@epcnc:~$ git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtserialport.git
Cloning into 'qtserialport'...
remote: Counting objects: 9362, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4679/4679), done.
remote: Total 9362 (delta 6198), reused 6812 (delta 4601)
Receiving objects: 100% (9362/9362), 2.51 MiB | 893.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6198/6198), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
epcnc@epcnc:~$ cd qtserialport
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ git checkout qt4-dev
Branch qt4-dev set up to track remote branch qt4-dev from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'qt4-dev'
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ echo $PATH
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ echo $SHELL
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/include
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ echo $PATH
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/include/qt4
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ echo $PATH
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtserialport.git
Cloning into 'qtserialport'...
remote: Counting objects: 9362, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4679/4679), done.
remote: Total 9362 (delta 6197), reused 6812 (delta 4601)
Receiving objects: 100% (9362/9362), 2.51 MiB | 818.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6197/6197), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ mkdir qtserialport-build
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport$ cd qtserialport-build
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport/qtserialport-build$ qmake ../qtserialport/qtserialport.pro
Project MESSAGE: Cannot build current QtSerialPort sources with Qt version 4.8.6.
Project ERROR: Use at least Qt 5.0.0 or try to download QtSerialPort for Qt4.
epcnc@epcnc:~/qtserialport/qtserialport-build$ -
Hi @Digvijay,
Why do you
git clone
two times? After the first clone, you switched to the correct branch and the build would have worked. Also, the build directory should be outside, parallel to the sources.So, once again the needed steps:
$ git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtserialport.git $ cd qtserialport $ git checkout qt4-dev $ cd .. $ mkdir qtserialport-build $ cd qtserialport-build $ qmake ../qtserialport/qtserialport.pro $ make
I'm also not sure if all the
manipulations are needed - I guess not.Regards
Hi @aha_1980
Thanks for the reply. Now i can build the library but it is still not visible to Qt creator. When i add CONFIG += serialport to .pro file it is giving the error as follows
Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT: serialport
So still what is going wrong??
Also can you please tell me how to install Qt 5.8 on 32 bit debian 9?? Because i do not want change my windows based GUI every time. I want directly compile project. I do not want to work in lnux environment as i am not familiar with it.Regards,
Digvijay -
Hi @Digvijay,
I guess you need to call
sudo make install
as last step.But as others said, why don't you install the Qt version supplied by your distribution?
Because i do not want change my windows based GUI every time. I want directly compile project.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this.
@jsulm said in QSerialPort Library for Qt creator 4.8 on Debian 9:As @SGaist pointed out Debian stable already provides Qt 5.7 (including 32bit).
Yes i know that Qt 5.7 is available. But i do not know how to install it. Do i need to uninstall the Qt 4.8?? And how to install it on linux??
And one important thing is i have only one day of experience in linux. So i am sorry if i am asking silly questions.regards,
Digvijay -
Then before starting to develop you should first get to know the distribution you are using. Start by looking up the Debian package manager:
. Depending on your desktop environment you might even have a GUI on top of it.No you don't need to uninstall anything, Qt 4 and 5 can co-exist without any problem.
@aha_1980 said in QSerialPort Library for Qt creator 4.8 on Debian 9:Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this.
What i mean is that, i have developed my application(UI) on windows. But for some reason i have to put the exe on linux. To do that i have to compile my application in linux or use cross compiler. Compiling application in linux is easier so i am trying to do that.
Digvijay -
@Digvijay said in QSerialPort Library for Qt creator 4.8 on Debian 9:
Compiling application in linux is easier so i am trying to do that.
Yeah, thats what we do also. Where is your problem with that?
Regarding QtSerialPort, you have several possible solutions:
- use Qt5 as provided by your Linux distribution
- use the Qt5 online installer for 32 bit Linux (I think the last version is Qt 5.5.1)
- compile QtSerialPort for Qt4 yourself
- use a Linux distribution that has a newer Qt5
- compile Qt5 yourself
If you are not limited to 32 Bit Linux, you can install the newest Qt also via the 64 bit online installer.
How did you finally install it ?
In any case, since you have it working now, please mark the thread as solved using the "Topic Tools" button so that other forum users may know a solution has been found :)