[Solved] how can i install Qt-mobility on meego n950.
I want to install mobility on meego m950 device
i found following guide to install
it but when i am running following command
sudo zypper addrepo http://download.meego.com/live/devel:/qt-mtf:/qt-mobility:/1.2tp1/testing/ mobility-1.2-tp1
it shows me sudo not found and when i replace sudo with su then it shows
unknown user zypper.please tell me the easiest way to install Qt mobility on N950.
[Alicemirror: set to solved this thread because it is evident. Should be done by the owners of the thread]
Please note that "this wiki article":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/How_to_Install_Qt_Mobility_on_MeeGo was written before the launch of MeeGo Harmattan and it is valid only for devices with pure MeeGo OS. I have updated the article to avoid any confusion in future.
Nokia N950 and N9 should have Qt Mobility installed out of the box and I believe you don't have to install anything.
I have read the page and it seems not so clear to me too. I have added a little integration with the link to the Qt Labs : http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/12/qt-mobility-1-2-0-released/ where there are more details about the last Qt Mobility release and the installation instruction on Meego. Hope this can help you.
@leon.anavi thanks bro, but i don't think QtMobility installed on N950.
@Alicemirror thanks bro, I am very new for linux based devices so plz define how can i install it to my n950 devices because i said before following errors is occuring while i am running sudo commands.
sudo not found
unknown user zypper. -
As I know, you should ignore the wiki page, that as Leon has explained refers to the Meego OS (=another kind of devices).
Regarding Qt Mobility, your N950 is the target device, so if you install Qt Mobility on your development platform (i.e. Harmattan or Symbian) the application is packaged with the needed libraries on the device.
As I know, you should do nothing on Harmattan then compile to application from your pc and deploy it on the device.
FYI: Leon has gently updated the wiki page with the following note:
Qt Mobility is compatible with MeeGo OS. Please note that this tutorial affects devices (netbooks and tablets) with MeeGo and it is not appropriate for MeeGo Harmattan devices (Nokia N9 and Nokia N950).
Hope this will clear your question. If any don't esistate to ask.
@Alicemirror it is not appropriate for MeeGo Harmattan devices (Nokia N9 and Nokia N950)
What does it means? Is QtMobility already installed on N950? or will it install through other way?
Becuase I am developing project for Nokia N950. -
The libraries that you install are on your development device i.e. windows or linux or Mac machine. Then the compilation creates a package including all the components needed to your application.
it seemed very strange to me the need to install something on the N950 enabling the application to run :)
There is only a slight difference on symbian devices where you can decide to install the package only and the libraries and components as a separate package or all together controlled by the smartinstaller package.
I think that to use Qt Mobility on N950 you should update your Qt SDK with the Mobility components and compile + package + deploy your application on the device.
[quote author="DanSiddiqui" date="1315980225"]@leon.anavi thanks bro, but i don't think QtMobility installed on N950.[/quote]
Qt Mobility is installed on N9 and N950 you can check the "official information about Nokia N9":http://www.developer.nokia.com/Devices/MeeGo/:
bq. Qt Mobility 1.2.0 — adding support for Bluetooth and NFC technology.
Btw as a proof that Qt Mobility is present on N950/N9 - I have already developed and published at Ovi location2sms an app using Qt Mobility that is running on MeeGo Harmattan devices and I did not have to install anything additionally.
@leon: I thought this but I was unsure. I have not found the link. BTW for him I think that nothing changes. He should install all the components on his development environment for compilation and linking then all goes right. Is it true ?
Ok its great if Qt will installed automatically Qt libararies or API.but i am sure about it.
One more Question I have lots of project which i developed for Symbian^3 devices, when i opened it for Harmattan device it is not getting the includes files.
with error message= No such File or Directory
#include <QMessageBox> //No such File or Directory
#include <QSqlDatabase>//No such File or Directory -
[quote author="Alicemirror" date="1315982477"]He should install all the components on his development environment for compilation and linking then all goes right. Is it true ?[/quote]
Yes, absolutely.
@DanSiddiqui please follow Alicemirror's advice about the development environment. If you do everything fine you should be able to port your pure Qt applications for Symbian^3 to MeeGo Harmattan easily.
Thanks leon.anavi , Plz tell me the source code project or any example project
for harmattan device(N950).so i will check it on my N950 device which includes mobility API.
if you url plz tell me i will download it on my PC. -
so why error displaying on my .cpp files:
error message= No such File or Directory
#include <QMessageBox> //No such File or Directory
#include <QSqlDatabase>//No such File or Directory -
@DanSiddiqui: please tell us what development platform you are using.
From Windows you should go in the program manager / Qt sdk / and launch the Qt mainteiner or updater. See if you have installed the Qt Mobility library or if your library should be updated. Please note that it is possible that some components (following the indications in the labs blog about releases) with Qt 4.7.4 part of the development environment will be found in the experimental section. Then see what is your actual development environment configuration, what components you have installed. It is possible that something goes wrong just because you have not all what you need.
[quote author="DanSiddiqui" date="1315983141"]so why error displaying on my .cpp files:
error message= No such File or Directory
#include <QMessageBox> //No such File or Directory
#include <QSqlDatabase>//No such File or Directory[/quote]You see this error just because the related libraries and components your need in your SDK are not installed. This is NOT a problem on your device, it is a problem of your development environment on your PC.
[quote author="DanSiddiqui" date="1315983054"]Thanks leon.anavi , Plz tell me the source code project or any example project
for harmattan device(N950).so i will check it on my N950 device which includes mobility API.
if you url plz tell me i will download it on my PC. [/quote]Please check "this tutorial about porting applications to Harmattan":http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/guide/html/Developer_Library_Reference_documentation_Porting_applications_to_Harmattan.html I strongly recommend also reading the rest of the "MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Library":http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/guide/html/Developer_Library_MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_Developer_Library.html
Yep, I think that you should have your ideas a bit more clear on how the entire system architecture for development works.
I have the lastes Qt sdk when i run updater it shows me "no update availabel". I have Qt 4.7.4
having mobility 1.1.3.it work fine when i select simualtor on left panel project tab all
#include find on QTcreatorbut i select Harmattan to build it shows me underline having message
No such File or Directory -
You should not check for update (4.7.4 for now is the last) but for maintain and see if all your components are installed, including Mobility - I think - you find in the experimental section. This section will be installed only if you select a custom installation so it is possible that you have not done it when installed your first version of Qt 4.7.4
Then, you mention the simulator. Simulator is for symbian devices, and QEMU (formerly emulator) if for Harmattan and Meego (linux) devices.
Then please read the previous posts, we asked you what platform are you using etc. This questions are useful to understand what can be wrong in your configuration, if any.