Can't launch Windows desktop/console programs built with QT Creator
I cannot run Windows desktop programs built with QT Creator. When I attempt to run the program outside of QT Creator I get "VCRUNTIME140_APP.dll was not found" messages. However, when I launch the program from QT Creator it runs fine. This happens for any of the example programs that come with QT Creator. It seems strange that a desktop application would have a dependency on DLLs such as vcruntime14_app.dll since (I think) those DLLs are used for UWP applications. Also, strange that the apps launch fine when running within QT Creator. Has anyone else seen this problem?
@candrs_rf That's normal behavior because Qt Creator loads all the dependency when you are running from it. You can use windeployqt to automatically add the dependecies into your executable's folder.
@SGaist Thanks for your answer.
I had used "windeploy" but had not used the correct environment.I am using the "Desktop Qt 5.15.1 MSVC2015 64bit" kit. But I was using the "qtenv2.bat" file from the "winrt_x64_msvc2015" folder instead of "msvc2015_64".
Bad folder and therefore bad environment.Using the right environment, it works :)
Great !
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