using Qt for positioning
I am extracting lat long data from NMEA format streaming though serial input, now i want to use this lat long information for positioning purpose, suppose i want to locate myself within a small area of 5x5 km so how should i proceed?? i have seen examples of positioning and map but i am not getting hold of it. anybody has done the same work or intended to do so kindly guide me.
Did you already took a look at the Qt Positioning examples ?
@hem1 said in using Qt for positioning:
I am extracting lat long data from NMEA format streaming though serial input
In addition to @SGaist suggestion about examples, please keep in mind that there's a QNmeaPositionInfoSource class able to handle NMEA data
as positional information, and you can use a QSerialPort as the device to provide such information (see setDevice() method) -
@Pablo-J.-Rogina thanks and sorry for late reply. i will look into the things you mentioned and get back to you