Download Qt for linux/X11 from source or from installer?
If I need to specify a few installation options such as:
+= -svg
+= -no-qt3support
+= -opengl...Can this only be done if I download Qt from source? If I do need to download it from source do I simply specify these options during the ./configure step? For instance:
sudo ./configure -svg -no-qt3support -opengl -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake translations
These are configure options indeed.
is a Qt 4 only option.On a side note, don't use sudo when configuring or building a library, framework or application. That can be pretty dangerous.
The configure script is part of the sources. It's to prepare a Qt build.
One more thing: do out of sources builds, that way it's easier to do multiple builds bud also allows you to just nuke the build folder if something goes wrong and start over quickly.