13 LNK2001 errors with qt 5.11
I can't seem to locate the correct libs to link to in visual studio 2017. Here are snippets from some of the unresolved external symbol errors:
QWidget::enabledChange(bool)" (imp?enabledChange@QWidget@@MAEX_N@Z)
QWidget::styleChange(class QStyle &)" (imp?styleChange@QWidget@@MAEXAAVQStyle@@@Z)
QWidget::winEvent(struct tagMSG *,long *)" (imp?winEvent@QWidget@@MAE_NPAUtagMSG@@PAJ@Z)
QWidget::releaseDC(struct HDC *)const " (imp?releaseDC@QWidget@@UBEXPAUHDC@@@Z)
QWidget::getDC(void)const " (imp?getDC@QWidget@@UBEPAUHDC_@@XZ) -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you check that you are linking against the widgets module ?
The moc files are generated code, they should not be part of the source tree. Nuke them and rebuild with a more recent version of Qt. Qt 4 has already reached end of life for a couple of years now.