QTreeView remove rows - whats wrong
I'm trying to delete all selected rows - children and so on in qtreeView and I'm getting weird error I don't get sigh...
Code :
QModelIndexList indexList = selectedIndexes(); QVector<QStandardItem *> itemList; QStandardItemModel *modelPtr = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(model()); for (QModelIndex &index:indexList) { itemList.push_back(modelPtr->itemFromIndex(index)); } for (QStandardItem *itm:itemList) { if (itm) { QModelIndex inx = QModelIndex(); if (itm->parent()) { //// here is error :- ( itm is d was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. but above if (itm) appear to be valid so whats wrong? inx = itm->parent()->index(); } modelPtr->removeRow(itm->row(), inx); } }
What am I doing here wrong? I'm lost :- (
Got some progress on this, one of errors was due to multiple columns during the function execution. I filtered my QModelIndex loop to check if (index.column()==0) to only take 1 item per row.
That fixed some of issues, but other still remain. weird. Removing child items remain problematic.
I'm really lost with this. I know that QModelIndex tend to get invalidated when ever I remove row or do stuff in qtreeview/model. But I don't get why this keeps breaking. Tried another loop. Same issue as before still crashing.
I want to loop over items I previously storred in array or other place. So thats why I stay away from selectionModel() and this answer here > https://forum.qt.io/topic/49836/how-to-inside-a-qtreeview-delete-a-selected-row-and-all-his-children/3
QModelIndexList indexList = selectedIndexes(); qSort(indexList.begin(), indexList.end(), qGreater<QModelIndex>()); QVector<QStandardItem *> itemList; QStandardItemModel *modelPtr = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(model()); for (QModelIndex &index:indexList) { if (index.column() == 0) { itemList.push_back(modelPtr->itemFromIndex(index)); } } while(itemList.size()>0){ modelPtr->removeRow(itemList[0]->row(), itemList[0]->index().parent()); itemList.remove(0); }
Any help would be great.
What custom data do you have ?
How are you handling it ?
Did you try to run your application through the debugger to see where exactly it crashes ? -
I dont have any custom data at all.
I just try to store my selection and then delete the items later. Or something like that. It turned out to be quite a pain to solve as well !
The only think I could think off to fix it is this function : - which feels like a dirty hack!
////itemList - is a QVector<QStandardItem*> I saved early. for (auto *item:itemList) { selectionModel()->select(QItemSelection(item->index(), item->index()), QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); } while (!selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().isEmpty()) { auto idx = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first(); model()->removeRow(idx.row(), idx.parent()); }
Can you explain exactly what procedure you want to follow in order to delete these rows ?
AFAIK, the link you posted earlier shows the correct way to do it.
Should be something like this:
bool removedByParent(const QHash<QModelIndex,QSet<int> >& mapper, const QModelIndex& childCheck){ if(!childCheck.isValid()) return false; if(mapper.value(childCheck.parent()).constains(childCheck.row())) return true; return removedByParent(childCheck.parent()); };
const QModelIndexList selectedIndexList = selectedIndexes(); QHash<QModelIndex /*parent*/, QSet<int> /*rows*/> > indexMapper; for(auto& idx : selectedIndexList) indexMapper[idx.parent()].insert(idx.row); for(auto i=indexMapper.cbegin();i!=indexMapper.cend();++i){ if(removedByParent(i.key())) continue; auto sortedRows = i.value().toList(); std::sort(sortedRows.begin(),sortedRows.end(),std::greater<int>()); for(int singleRow : qAsConst(sortedRows)) model->removeRow(singleRow,i.key()); }
@SGaist For the moment I use the hacky example I posted early.
"Can you explain exactly what procedure you want to follow in order to delete these rows ?"
I just shift/ctrl click on random items in my treeView and then hit delete button.@VRonin oh dear humh. I see that but won't the QModelINdex list indexes get invalidated after I remove 1 row?
I also try to deal with items directly because of that. Tricky will need to test ur example looks curious! Thanks for chipping in!
Dariusz -
@Dariusz said in QTreeView remove rows - whats wrong:
I see that but won't the
list indexes get invalidated after I remove 1 row?It's really implementation specific, since you are using
you are fine, the indexes will still be valid.
In general, however, you are right andQPersistentModelIndex
should be used instead.