Which OS versions support Qt Components support for Symbian?
Would like to know which version of OS does Qt Components support. In the latest SDK the sis file is available for Symbian^3 only.
Seems it might take some time to extend support for Symbian^1.
bq. the initial version only supports Nokia's Symbian^3 devices (N8-00, C7-00, C6-01, E7-00, X7-00, E6-00), but the intention is to widen this to Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) devices at a later date.
Any idea if smart installer and ovi store supports this components for Symbian^3
Qt Components are compatible with "Smart Installer":http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Nokia_Smart_Installer_for_Symbian and "Ovi Store":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/07/06/ready-made-ui-building-blocks-at-your-service-qt-quick-components-for-symbian-and-meego-1-2-harmattan/
[quote author="QtK" date="1315597232"]Seems it might take some time to extend support for Symbian^1.
bq. the initial version only supports Nokia's Symbian^3 devices (N8-00, C7-00, C6-01, E7-00, X7-00, E6-00), but the intention is to widen this to Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) devices at a later date.
Any idea if smart installer and ovi store supports this components for Symbian^3[/quote]
[quote author="paulo" date="1315599352"]Qt Components are compatible with "Smart Installer":http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Nokia_Smart_Installer_for_Symbian and "Ovi Store":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/07/06/ready-made-ui-building-blocks-at-your-service-qt-quick-components-for-symbian-and-meego-1-2-harmattan/
[quote author="QtK" date="1315597232"]Seems it might take some time to extend support for Symbian^1.
bq. the initial version only supports Nokia's Symbian^3 devices (N8-00, C7-00, C6-01, E7-00, X7-00, E6-00), but the intention is to widen this to Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) devices at a later date.
Any idea if smart installer and ovi store supports this components for Symbian^3[/quote]
Thank you