Media player
Item {
MediaPlayer {
id: mediaplayer
source: "/videos/video.mp4"
}VideoOutput { anchors.fill: parent source: mediaplayer } MouseArea { id: playArea anchors.fill: parent onPressed:; } }
while running this code i am getting following error, can someone tell me, what's this ?
DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: Unresolved error code 0x8004022a ()
I tried with other format also, showing the same error.
You can try to install K-Lite Codec Pack as suggested in this bug report : -
@Bhushan99 said in Media player:
source: "/videos/video.mp4"
Since you have a DirectShow error, you are likely running on Windows, that path looks a bit strange, where exactly do you have
on your computer ? -
Most the doRender() errors occur when there is no suitable filter or codec for the media.
0x8004022A: This pin cannot use the supplied media type.
As @DavidM29 says, install the codec first.
Do you have a qrc file associated with it ? -
That’s not a valid qrc path.