QScxmlStateMachine targetless transition
I am experimenting with the QScxmlStateMachine class. Is it possible to add a targetless transition to states in my state machine? How do I do it?
My use case is, I have a C++ app, with 2 states, "normalmode" and "crazymode". I have an event "received_packet_blah", I want to handle this event differently in my two states. I don't want this event to cause a state change.
I can see how to do this with QStateMachine (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/statemachine-api.html), which has a good description, but not for QScxmlStateMachines. I don't really understand the relationship between QStateMachines and QScxmlStateMachines - are they totally unrelated?
I suppose I could call QScxmlStateMachine::connectToEvent("received_packet_blah", SLOT(rx_blah));, and inside rx_blah() I could find out whether I was in crazymode or normalmode, and call the relevant event handler, but it seems clumsy, and I get the feeling I am trying to do this the wrong way.
Yes both are unrelated,
was created a long time beforeQScxmlStateMachine
and they do not share implementation nor logic as the later is based on the SCXML Specification.Can you show how you defined your state machine ?
@SGaist, I don't have sufficient privileges to attach files, so I have copy and pasted below:
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QScxmlStateMachine>
#include "eventhandler.h"
#include "hsm.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/main.qml"))); if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; EventHandler eventhandler; hsm statemachine; bool retval = static_cast<bool>(statemachine.connectToState("normal_mode", &eventhandler, SLOT(On_enter_state_normal_mode(bool)))); retval &= static_cast<bool>(statemachine.connectToState("crazy_mode", &eventhandler, SLOT(On_enter_state_crazy_mode(bool)))); retval &= static_cast<bool>(statemachine.connectToEvent("rx_packet_blah", &eventhandler, SLOT(On_event_rx_packet_blah()))); statemachine.start(); statemachine.submitEvent("rx_packet_blah"); statemachine.submitEvent("enter_crazy_mode"); statemachine.submitEvent("rx_packet_blah"); return app.exec();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml" version="1.0" binding="early" name="hsm" qt:editorversion="4.4.1" xmlns:qt="http://www.qt.io/2015/02/scxml-ext">
<state id="wrapper">
<qt:editorinfo scenegeometry="172.33;289.58;52.52;239.58;711.81;286" geometry="172.33;289.58;-119.81;-50;711.81;286"/>
<state id="normal_mode">
<qt:editorinfo scenegeometry="259;398.15;199;317.02;120;131.13" geometry="86.67;108.57;-60;-81.13;120;131.13"/>
<transition type="external" event="enter_crazy_mode" target="crazy_mode"/>
<state id="crazy_mode">
<qt:editorinfo scenegeometry="525.13;382.58;465.13;332.58;120;100" geometry="352.80;93;-60;-50;120;100"/>
<transition type="external" event="enter_normal_mode" target="normal_mode">
<qt:editorinfo endTargetFactors="75.48;76.19"/>
</scxml> -
The QtScxml Sudoku example mentions a target less transition so it might give you the information you are missing.
@d_h_mcinnes then please mark this topic as SOLVED. thanks