Adroid Debugging Fail
And yet something else to stop me from debugging on Android. Has anyone seen this issue? Here are the specifics on my dev environment:
Qt Creator 4.6.2 using 5.11.0
SDK - API's 28 and 27
NDK - r10e
Phones used: Nexus 6P, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 4
OS - Windows 10Failed to get process path. Reason: The command "C:\Users<myUserName>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe" terminated with exit code -1..
Unexpected run control state RunControlState::Stopped when worker AndroidRunner started. -
Please check if the devices you are using supports "run-as" command. Some Samsung devices don't support the "run-as" command. QTC debugging workflow depends on "run-as" command and this might be the problem in your case. Just do "./adb shell run-as your_package_name pwd" and see if your device supports it.