RTSP Stream with QML
I'm trying to figure out, how is possible do a RTSP Streaming from IP Camera directly on Qml and with a good performance.
I can do it on my desktop computer, but it should work on a Embedded System. Actually I'm using a Colibri iMX6 to develop and this streaming should work in this environment.
The problem is about performance on iMX6. When we start the
stream, the Qml application is a little "lazy". We can percept this
on "onClick" events, screen change, flickable components, ... There
is somethink like a "delay" in the application.I'm using QML and the components MediaPlayer and VideoOutput, with the following code:
MediaPlayer { id: videoPlayer source:: "rtsp://admin:admin@ ?channel=1&subtype=0" muted: true autoPlay: true } VideoOutput { id: camera1 width: 100 height: 100 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter source: videoPlayer }
I saw something about gstreamer plugins to qml, Vlc plugins, ... but I can't understand why specific qml objects to Video aren't with a good performance. I believe I can improve this.
What whould you do in this case? What you are doing for this kind of application?
Something to take into account:
- What is the framerate of the stream ?
- what is the size of the streamed images ?