mapping data to a QComboBox
Hi all -
I'm playing with model/view stuff, and learning (slowly) as I go. I'm trying to map a data column from a QStandardItemModel to a QComboBox.
... qs = d.ledPattern; rc = m_model->setData(m_model->index(row, MODEL_COL_LED_PATTERN), qs);
and widget.cpp
const string ledPatternText[LEDC_NBR_PATTERNS] = { "SOLID_OFF", "SOLID_ON", "FLASH_SLOW", "FLASH_RAPID" }; ... for (int i = 0; i < LEDC_NBR_PATTERNS; ++i) { qs = QString::fromStdString(ledPatternText[i]); ui->comboBoxLedPattern->addItem(qs); } mapper->addMapping(ui->comboBoxLedPattern, MODEL_COL_LED_PATTERN);
The combo box doesn't seem mapped to the data. It always displays "SOLID_OFF." Can someone see what I'm doing wrong here?
Did you already check the Combo Box Widget Mapper Example ?
I did now.
QString qs; QStringList qsl; ... for (int i = 0; i < LEDC_NBR_PATTERNS; ++i) { qs = QString::fromStdString(ledPatternText[i]); qsl << qs; } m_ledPatternModel = new QStringListModel(qsl, this);
and widget.cpp:
ui->comboBoxLedPattern->setModel(d->getLedPatternModel()); mapper->addMapping(ui->comboBoxLedPattern, MODEL_COL_LED_PATTERN, "currentIndex");
I'm still missing something, change in program behavior.
OK, I think I have it working now. Here's the program flow.
- the worker object receives a message from a connected device, and converts the message from XML into a C data structure. The value for the LED pattern combo box is stored as an int from 0 to 3 within this struct:
DeviceDetails d; string s; ... s = msg.getValue(msgTags[TAGENUM_LEDPATTERN]); d.ledPattern =;
A signal is sent to the model.
- the model sets the value onto the proper column:
rc = m_model->setData(m_model->index(row, MODEL_COL_LED_PATTERN), d.ledPattern);
This is the step I was missing.
- the display widget updates the combo box that represents this value because of this code:
ui->comboBoxLedPattern->setModel(d->getLedPatternModel()); mapper->addMapping(ui->comboBoxLedPattern, MODEL_COL_LED_PATTERN, "currentIndex");
The examples are excellent, but can be a little confusing because, in the interest of brevity, they embed the model in the widget code. It took me a little time to find this missing piece.
One remaining issue: the display doesn't update to reflect a remote change to the combo box, until the user does something (seemingly anything).
I think I've run into this before, a long time ago, but I don't remember what the fix is.
BTT. Anyone have any ideas?
I just discovered an issue-- while my QTableView properly displays multiple entries, my mapping to the combo box is only displaying one entry (the first one entered into the model). If I select a different entry from the table, the combo box is updated, but it doesn't display anything other than the selected entry.
Do I need to do something besides the standard mapping?
mapper = new QDataWidgetMapper(this); mapper->setModel(d->getModel()); ... mapper->addMapping(ui->comboBoxMacAddr, MODEL_COL_MACADDR); mapper->addMapping(ui->comboBoxLedPattern, MODEL_COL_LED_PATTERN, "currentIndex");
I never got this fixed, but I decided that having two places to select the MAC address was a bad idea anyway, so I replaced the QComboBox with a QLineEdit. Added this line to my main widget:
mapper->addMapping(ui->lineEditMacAddr, MODEL_COL_MACADDR);
And it seems to work fine. Marking as solved...