Android splash screen logo gets pushed down
I've been using this guide to make a splashscreen for my app: however right after the Qt libraries are loaded and the Java activity actually starts (around
I/ActivityManager( 594): Displayed +601ms
) the logo gets pushed down by a few pixels, I'm using<bitmap android:src="@drawable/splash_logo" android:gravity="center" />
to position the image.Following the guide closely didn't actually work and I had to make these modifications
- QT_ANDROID_THEMES = new String[] {"Theme_Holo_Light"}; - QT_ANDROID_DEFAULT_THEME = "Theme_Holo_Light"; + QT_ANDROID_THEMES = new String[] {"Theme_NoTitleBar"}; + QT_ANDROID_DEFAULT_THEME = "Theme_NoTitleBar"; } else { - QT_ANDROID_THEMES = new String[] {"Theme_DeviceDefault_Light"}; - QT_ANDROID_DEFAULT_THEME = "Theme_DeviceDefault_Light"; + QT_ANDROID_THEMES = new String[] {"Theme_NoTitleBar"}; + QT_ANDROID_DEFAULT_THEME = "Theme_NoTitleBar";
I also tried these but they didn't really change anything m_activity.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR);
//m_activity.setTheme(Class.forName("android.R$style").getDeclaredField(QT_ANDROID_DEFAULT_THEME).getInt(null)); m_activity.setTheme(Class.forName($style").getDeclaredField("MyAppTheme_NoTitleBar").getInt(null));
Anyone knows any workaround or fix for this?
edit.: I'm using Qt 5.9.1 and it appears on all Android versions
Looks like the way Qt creates the splash screen in makes the splash screen pushed down, if I remove
from my AndroidManifest.xml (and addm_activity.setTheme(Class.forName($style").getDeclaredField("MyAppTheme_NoTitleBar").getInt(null));
) the splash screen does behave like expected.(unfortunately because of this I can't use this workaround for the flickering that happens between the transition between splash and qml but at it's something)
It's not caused by Qt. Qt displays the splashscreen correctly, respecting insets (like statusbar) but you are most probably using "android:windowBackground" in the theme and this just doesn't respect any insets. API 26+ has adressed that issue by introducing "android:windowSplashscreenContent".