exe work after windeployqt but only on my computer
i am trying to compile GUI WALLET
qt5 5.5 | visual studio 12 2013
i did cmake with cmd and build with visual studio
i got my exe file not working
after i run windeployqt it work!! but only on my computer
how to build it agin with the qt5 file?
thank you all -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you check that you have really all the dependencies copied over beside you application ?
You should analyse your executable with Dependency Walker to see if there's anything missing.
tnx for helping
analyse with Dependency Walker show me that i need 9999999999 files thre is a way to copy all the file auto ?
i need to give user all the file ? no way to do it portable 1 file exe? -
That looks a bit too many.
Can you show a screenshot of dependency walker ?
The API-MS-WIN can be ignored.