WebView / WebEngine do not work as standalone
Hi guys,
I'm trying to run the Qt WebView minibrowser example on Windows 10. It works perfectly for me until I deploy the application on windows. When I change the Qt directory to "QtHidden" it stops working. There is no error, the app just closes immediately after starting. I copied all the necessary Qt files into my Deployment folder as described here: https://wiki.qt.io/Deploy_an_Application_on_Windows
I am using the MSVC2017 64bit Desktop Kit and Qt 5.10.1. Are there any known issues for Webview / Webengine on Windows? On other platforms it runs like a charm.
I hope you can help me.
wowalive -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How did you deploy your application ? Using
? -
No I used the approach from https://wiki.qt.io/Deploy_an_Application_on_Windows, like I did years before. -.-
Thank you so much for the windeployqt hint. Now webview is running. Its so much faster and better to deploy with this method.
Do you know a similar approach to deploy on android? The SSL connection via QNetworkRequest isn't working. There are problems with the app native libraries: Unautohorizied access to "libcrypto.so" and "libssl.so".
Thanks. Since I got some problems because I'am deploying with macOS (see: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-59375), I finally did it with the modified script from ekke https://github.com/ekke/android-openssl-qt.
Thank you for the hint.
You're welcome !
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